The How

Jesus Gone is committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ getting out, around and abroad as far as possible.  In a time when any random act or activity captured on a camera can rapidly go viral around the world in a very short amount of time; even more
the incredible grace offered through only Jesus Christ in the gospel should go viral across the globe.
This movement was birth from Acts 4:12 where the bible states that salvation cannot be found in any other name under heaven.  As a result, this name – Jesus, must get to the masses.
Our statement is also a great conversation starter.  Wearing your Jesus Gone Viral gears will help to ignite a conversation.  By the help of the Holy Spirit, you get the opportunity to share the gospel with them.  This journey is going to be exciting!
On this page we list some of the different ways in which we can get the name of Jesus and the gospel message viral.
We’re always looking for other ideas.  Please join the conversation and share your ideas below also.  Thank you!



One way is by wearing your Jesus Gone Viral-Acts 4:12 gears that can serve as a conversation starter by someone who is curious to know what it means.

* Live a Christ-centered life as a witness to families and friends.
* Invite unsaved families or friends to church.
* Hand a gospel-based CD or DVD to unsaved families or friends.
* Host a movie night at your home and invite unsaved families and friends.
* Ask unsaved if there is anything you can pray for them about.
* Share your testimony with unsaved how Jesus changed your life.
* A random text to unsaved family or friend that you are praying for them.
* Use Social Media to make known what your faith is.